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A record of contemporary history of Pakistan

                                                            - 4615 pages

In TWELVE Volumes:

FOUR Volumes of 'Judges & Generals in Pakistan' &

SEVEN Volumes of  'The Living History of Pakistan' &

ONE Book 'The History of a Disgraceful Surrender [2021]'


Published by:                                                                 

Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd [GHP] 

Link House, 140 The Broadway, Tolworth SURREY UK KT6 7HT

AVAILABLE in printed & e-versions at AMAZON the world over

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Judges & Generals in Pakistan Vol-II

ISBN 978-1-78148-760-0

During the late hearing [in March 2010] of the case concerning

'attack on the SC on 28th Nov 1997', the SC had observed:


      " MNA attacked the Supreme Court and after six years he came for pardon."


 Justice Tariq Parvez had remarked that:

           “If we pardon four people now, four hundred would come tomorrow for relief on the basis of this verdict.


Insults are to be treated with disdain -…In the case of the Welsh students, the Court was invaded on February 4, they were sentenced on February 4, the appeal was heard on February 9 and decided on February 11; all within the space of one week."


Judges & Generals in Pakistan Vol-II


Some people are still living in [that part of the world called] PAKISTAN where:

  • The ruling political party {PPP} does not go for investigation of Benazir Bhutto killed 3 years earlier] but takes pride in reopening of Mr Bhutto’s case who was [judicially] murdered 30 years ago.

[See Reference no:1 of 2011 of the SC]

  • A sitting PM {Mr Gilani} is called in person before the Supreme Court on contempt of court charges but not any civil or military officer who were guilty of keeping the Chief Justice [& 7 judges of the SC] in ‘illegal confinement’ for days & weeks.

  • 103 journalists were killed in 2011; 44 in 2010 and 110 were slaughtered in 2009, making Pakistan the 4th dangerous country in the world for media-men. Not even a single case worked out yet.

[Vienna-based press watchdog IPI’s press briefing

dated 5th January 2012 is referred]

  • The ISI & MI admitted before the SC that four out of eleven prisoners had died in their custody; then what; in Pakistan even SC cannot question any army officer in any context.

[Referred to SC proceedings dated 30th January 2012]

  • A Federal Minister raises demand in a press conference that ‘all groups: Sindhi, Pakhtun, Baloch, Seraiki and Punjabi, should get an equal share in corruption.’

[Qayyum Jatoi’s press conference in Quetta

dated 26th September 2010 is referred]


ISBN 978-1-78148-760-0

£9.99 / $12.99

Judges & Generals in Pakistan Vol-II


    Underlined SCENARIOS are linked with pdf files.

   Numbers in brackets are referred to page numbers in                                        

   the respective book


                  C O N T E N T S


          My apologies Again                                          (341)


  Scenario 32. History of Judicial Pakistan                    (351)

                         Draconian ‘Doctrine of Necessity’

                         1973’s Constitution Held in Abeyance

                         Parliament Dissolved in 1990          

                         Parliament Dissolved Again in 1993

                         Benazir Bhutto Sent Home Again 1996

                         Nawaz Sharif Sent Home Again 1999

  Scenario 33. Decline in Judicial Values               (367)

                        J Bhagwandas Called in Dock

                        SC Judge’s Seniority Issue

 Scenario 34. Pan-Islamism in Pak-Army            (377)

                        Brig Ali’s Story

                        Gen Zia’s Radicalization

                        Gen Tajammul Sacked

                        Gen Aslam Beg’s Reverse Gear

  Scenario 35. Pakistan Judiciary in 2001                 (388)

                        BB’s Trial Vitiated by the SC

                        Ayaz Amir’s Historical Verdict

 Scenario  36. Judiciary's Face Blackened in 2001  (401)

                          J Malik Qayyum’s Transcripts

                          J Malik Qayyum’s Viewpoint

                          Rafiq Tarar Sent Home

 Scenario 37. Judiciary in 2002                                 (415)

                        Gen Musharraf’s Referendum

                        Legislators Should be Graduate

  Scenario 38. Legal Framework Order (2002)-I      (424)

                        17th Constitutional Amendment        

                        Ex ISI Chief Agitates LHC

  Scenario 39. Legal Framework Order (2002)-II     (434)

                        General Elections of 2002

                        Zafarullah Jamali’s Premiership

  Scenario 40. Pak-Army & Judiciary in 2003          (443)

                        Meeting the President Bush (2003)

                        Pak Army Caught in FATA

                        17th Amendment Finally Passed

  Scenario  41. Pakistan: Judiciary in 2004-05        (455)

                         17th Amendment Upheld

                         High Courts vs Shariah Courts

                         Mukhtaran Mai Case (2002-05)

                         Zafran Bibi Case

                         Hasba Bill (2005)

  Scenario 42. NAB: A Decade of Misuse                 (470)

                        Tragedy of Javed Hashmi

                        Lt Gen Shahid Aziz’s Case

                        Hasan Waseem Afzal’s Dubious Role

                        Lt Gen Khalid Maqbool’s Case

  Scenario  43. Sardar Akbar Bugti Killed               (483)

                        Dr Shazia Raped by Army Men [?]

                        Details of Bugti’s Assassination

                        Hyderabad Tribunal (1975)

                        Sardar Bugti vs Army in 2000s

  Scenario 44. Army vs Judiciary in 2007-I            (496)

                       Chief Justice Sent Home

                       Alleged Causes of CJP’s Removal

                       Proceedings against a CJP

                       CJP Seeks Relief From his own Court

                       Gen Musharraf Attacked Media

  Scenario 45. Karachi Greets a Chief Justice         (513)

                       Living Episodes of 12th May 2007

                       ‘Agencies’ did it All [?]

  Scenario 46. Red Mosque - Operation Silence     (525)

                       Backround of Lal Masjid

                       ‘Operation Silence’ Resumed

                       Musharraf ran out of Options

  Scenario 47. Army vs Judiciary in 2007 -II          (537)

                       CJP Gets Relief – Reinstated

                       Musharraf’s 2 Portfolios Challenged

                       Another Black Decision of SC in 2007

  Scenario  48. Nawaz Sharif's Come-back              (551)

                       CJP Compensated Sharifs

                       Japan’s 32b Yen Loan: No Clue

  Scenario 49. NRO Deal of PPP 2007-09                 (562)

                        Cotecna & SGS Shipment Deals

                        Agencies Brokered the NRO Deal

                        Oil for Food Program Scandal

                        NRO Failed in Parliament

                        SC’s Verdict on the NRO

                        Loan Defaulters’ Case

  Scenario 50. Army vs Judiciary in 2007-III          (578)

                        Lawyers’ Protests against Elections

                        Emergency of 3rd Nov 2007

                        Text of PCO of 2007

                         SC Validates Emergency & PCO

  Scenario 51. Benazir Bhutto Assassinated            (599)

                        UN Commission on BB’s killing

                        Punjab Police Inv. Report

                        UN Commission’s Inv. Report

                         Post Scenario Development  

  Scenario 52. BB's Murder - Off The Record          (624)

                       Cases against Mr Malik Cleared

                       Dr Qadeer Held for US Pleasure

                       Malik – Well Played: NY Times

                       Malik’s Statements Fiasco    

  Scenario  53. A A Zardari Turns Back [2008]       (646)

                       Charter of Democracy (2006)

                       Murree Declaration of 2008

  Scenario 54. Lutto tay Phutto [Rob & Run]          (661)

                       Defences Forces + Politicians

                       Ojhary Camp Fiasco

                       Golfway Project etc.

                       3 Generals Cause Billion’s Loss to NLC

                       Sub-Marine Kickbacks

                       Fall Out Of Agosta Deal In France

  Scenario 55. Pak-Army Operation in SWAT        (684)

                        War within State? NO

                        Talibanization of Swat? NO

                       Army’s Operation Rah e Haq

  Scenario 56. Gen Musharraf Quits [2008]           (700)

                     Army General Betrayed the Nation

                     Winds against Gen Musharraf

                      After General Elections of 2008

                      Drop Scene of a General’s Drama

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