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A record of contemporary history of Pakistan

                                                            - 4615 pages

In TWELVE Volumes:

FOUR Volumes of 'Judges & Generals in Pakistan' &

SEVEN Volumes of  'The Living History of Pakistan' &

ONE Book 'The History of a Disgraceful Surrender [2021]'


Published by:                                                                 

Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd [GHP] 

Link House, 140 The Broadway, Tolworth SURREY UK KT6 7HT

AVAILABLE in printed & e-versions at AMAZON the world over

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Judges & Generals in Pakistan Vol-IV

ISBN 978-1-78148-673-3

The Supreme Court of Pakistan has already settled in its own verdict cited as 2012 SCMR 1258, in the words: 

"Justice at no cost and at no stage should be allowed to fall prey to the procedural technicalities, which may be ignored if they tend to create hurdle in the way of justice".


But Hathi ke daant khane ke aur Dikhane ke aur.


Lower courts in Pakistan, even the Sessions or Special Courts do not take light from this direction. SC itself dosen't bother to follow it while deciding the appeals. 

   Judges & Generals in Pakistan Vol-IV


     Underlined SCENARIOS are linked with pdf files.

     Numbers in brackets are referred to page numbers in                                         the respective book

                       C O N T E N T S



ONE TIME MORE                                                   (1081)


Scenario 73 


[CORRUPTION SCANDALS IN PAKISTAN]                    (1088)            

  • Pakistani Legislators pay NO TAX

  • BISP’s Fake Recruitments

  • Liquid Natural Gas [LNG] Scam

  • Anjum Aqeel of PML[N]’s Case

  • Reco-Diq Gold / Copper Mines Case

  • Flood Surcharge on Poor Only

  • Flood Donations Saga

  • Were the Donations Accounted For

Scenario 74

NICL SCAM of 2010-11                                               (1121) 

  • Moonis Elahi named in NICL Case

  • DG FIA Charged for Comtempt

  • PPP + PML[Q]; Pak Political Culture

  • Judges Threatened & Priced too

Scenario 75

HAJJ-Corruption Case of 2010-11                                  (1138)

  • SC starts Judicial Proceedings

  • Judiciary vs Executive Row Again

  • SC’s Land Mark Observation

  • Justice Siddiqui’s [Alleged] Injustice

  • SC’s Verdict – Money Repatriated

  • FIA’s Old Team Comes Back

  • Former PM Called in Docks

  • Transparency Int’l Report [2012] Speaks

Scenario 76

BANK OF PUNJAB [BoP] CASE                                      (1158)

  • Who Else is Naked in BoP’s Hamam

  • Hamesh Khan’s Housing Society

  • JIT’s Report on BoP Scam

  • BoP’s Directors Summoned in SC

  • Case Put on Go-Slow Mat

  • Qasr e Zauk Affairs

Scenario 77

NAB & ACCOUNTABILITY – HIGH DRAMA                         (1179)

  • PPP’s [Drama] Accountability Commission

  • APG Baseer Qureshi’s Plea

  • J Deedar Shah as NAB’s Chief

  • 2 New Contempt Notices Again

  • Contempt Law in Perspective

  • J Deedar Shah’s Honesty in Question

  • Adml Bokhari as NAB’s Chief

Scenario 78

PAKISTAN UNDER US GOVERNANCE                              (1202)

  • US Controlled Pak Presidency

  • Pak-Politics Interfered

  • US & UK Run Pakistan as Joint Venture

  • On Pak-India Odd Relationship

  • Forgotten Page of Pakistan’s History

Scenario 79 

PAKISTAN UNDER US ATTACK:                                      (1214)

  • Pak-Afghan Relations in WOT 

  • Afghan War Diary of Six Years

  • Afghan Contractors Role

  • Conspiracy Theories of 2010-12

  • Western Media Attacked Pakistan’s ISI

  • 2010-US Told to Quit Honourably

  • The Ending Talk

Scenario 80

SAGA OF MISSING PERSONS                                      (1235)

  • Start of This Menace in 1990s

  • Amrit Singh Report on Pakistan

  • The Courts Continued Crying

  • Umar Cheema ‘Nicely Briefed’

  • ISI Admitted 4 Out of 11

  • Radicalization in Pak-Forces

  • Commissions & Committees – No Relief

  • Gimmicks Still On

Scenario 81

ON JUDICIAL ACTIVISM IN PAKISTAN                             (1260)

  • History of Judicial Activism

  • Judicial Activism in Recent Times     

  • Judicial Activism vs Executive

  • Opposite School of Thought

  • PPP vs Judiciary in 2008-13

  • Oath of AGP Akhtar Buland Rana

Scenario 82

BLOW TO JUDICIAL HIERARCHY                                    (1280)

  • Attorney General Mansoor Resigns

  • Judicial Crisis in AJK

  • Transparency in Judges Selection

  • Brutus You Too [Judges Sold Out]

  • Judges for Plots – 2nd Spill

Scenario 83

JUSTICE [MOSTLY NOT] FOR ALL                                  (1294)

  • Questioning Justice

  • SC Corrects The Executive

  • Police And Army Shouted At

  • Why Executive Disobeyed SC Orders

Scenario 84


  • MNA Murdered in Islamabad

  • Bulk Visas for Blackwater & XE

  • Why Were XEs in Pakistan

  • Raymond Davis Killed Two

  • Release of Raymond Davis Rewarded

Scenario 85

US - OSAMA BIN LADEN OPERATION - I                      (1324)

  • Operation GERONIMO Launched

  • Pakistan Knew it? – Hard Facts

  • Operation – Only US Planned it

  • Operation Geronimo – More Details

  • Operation Geronimo – Media Versions

  • ISI + Pak-Army Kept Away

  • ISI + PAF Admitted Failure

  • Pak – Army Went Splinted

  • Foreign Press Stories on OBL Killing

  • Questions About Osama Bin Laden

Scenario 86

US-OSAMA BIN LADEN OPERATION-II                        (1350)

  • Who Encashed Osama BL’s Name

  • Pakistan Not Asked to Join ‘Jeronimo’

  • Pak-Army’s Briefing of 13th May 2011

  • Judicial Commission Announced

  • Dr Shakil Afridi Figured Up

  • Facts Revealed – Dr Played Well

  • US Pressure Stories

Scenario 87

THE ABBOTABAD COMMISSION REPORT:                    (1375)

  • Commission Report Leaked

  • Osama’s Stay – Background Events

  • Extracts From Commission Report

  • President Zardari Knew it

  • Pak-Army Board of Inquiry

  • Ex ISI Chief Blasts All

  • Questions Still to be Answered

  • Osama’s Killing – Lessons to be Learnt

  • US Quits – WOT Ends

Scenario 88

OSAMA BIN LADEN STORY – ANOTHER ANGLE                 (1398)

  • Osama’s First Interview After 9/11 [2011]

  • Osama’s Death Debated

  • Former CIA Agent Spills The Beans

  • 9/11 Truth Movements

  • Some US Media Made Silent

  • Osama’ Death – More Controversies

  • 22 US SEALs Crashed to Death

  • Osama’s [so called] 17 Letters

  • Analysis of OBL’s Panic Theories

Scenario 89

OSAMA’s KILLING – PAKISTAN SUFFERED                       (1428)

  • Osama Drama – Why so

  • Shabqadr Attacked – 91 Dead

  • Pak-Army’s Image After Osama’s Killing

  • Mehran Naval Base Attacked

  • Trouble Started in Pak-Navy

  • No Gimmicks – Find Out Culprits

Scenario 90

PAK – US TENSE RELATIONS AT LAST                           (1440)

  • Pakistan Blamed & Threatened

  • Haqqani Group Targeted

  • Hillary Clinton’s [Fruitless] Visit

  • Pak – US Gulf Widened More

  • Haqqanis – History Stands by Them

  • Pakistan Amidst Global Conspiracy


Judges & Generals in Pakistan Vol-IV


Pakistan’s former DG ISI Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha deposed before the Abbotabad Commission on Osama Bin Laden’s death that:

  • ‘The American CIA works through about 1300 foreign NGOs in Pakistan including Save the Children.’


  • ‘Gen Musharraf had caved in so promptly to the US demands [in October 2001] that Shamsi Airbase was immediately given to them for drone strikes in Pakistan.’


  • ‘The local police of Lahore protected those who attacked the Qadianis in Lahore in May 2010 killing 70 persons at the spot.’


  • ‘Many journalists were heavily bribed with money, women and alcohol by the US; nearly every one of our elite was purchasable.’


  • 'That Pakistan had an understanding with the US on drones.’


  • ‘In Drone Attacks massacre both the political and military elite were equally responsible throughout the years.’


  • ‘The ISI had arrested people without legal authority; it was a malpractice but the police mostly leaked the information provided to it.’


  • ‘The US arrogance knew no limits AND Pakistan is weak, also a very scared state.’ 


A US intelligence officer said: "You are so cheap… we can buy you with a visa, with a visit to the US, even with a dinner… we can buy anyone."


Gen Pasha also testified that: "We are a failing state, even if we are not yet a failed state.

…... And much more he said; see inside.


ISBN 978-1-78148-673-3

£9.99 / $12.99

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