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A record of contemporary history of Pakistan

                                                            - 4615 pages

In TWELVE Volumes:

FOUR Volumes of 'Judges & Generals in Pakistan' &

SEVEN Volumes of  'The Living History of Pakistan' &

ONE Book 'The History of a Disgraceful Surrender [2021]'


Published by:                                                                 

Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd [GHP] 

Link House, 140 The Broadway, Tolworth SURREY UK KT6 7HT

AVAILABLE in printed & e-versions at AMAZON the world over

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Judges & Generals in Pakistan Vol-III

ISBN 978-1-78148-204-9

CJP Chaudhry had once manifested: 

"A heavy responsibility lies upon the judges of the Supreme Court to uphold the canons of constitutional predominance and its supremacy over all other institutions and authorities".


— a pointed reference to the GHQ straightaway but forgetting that Pakistan’s judiciary was being ranked at no:192 out of 197 countries whereas Pakistan’s Army was rated as the sixth largest and most professional.

Judges & Generals in Pakistan Vol-III


Underlined SCENARIOS are linked with pdf files.

Numbers in brackets are referred to page numbers in                                         the respective book


                       C O N T E N T S


 MY APOLOGIES; ONCE MORE                                    (728)


Scenario 57 

ON JUDGES & JUDICIARY IN PAKISTAN                       (734)            

  • Making Antiterrorist Courts

  • Benazir Bhutto’s Vision of Justice

  • Civil Society for Independent Judiciary

  • Justice [CJP] Chaudhry in Saddles

  • President Leghari’s Orders [1996]


Scenario 58

PAK – ARMY ON ‘WAR ON TERROR’ - I                          (755)   

  • An Era of New World Order

  • Another Picture of the Past

  • One General’s Wish-Pakistan Ruined

  • Taliban: Who were they?

  • Talibanization Comes to Pakistan

  • Afghan Taliban-The Real Factor


Scenario 59

PAK-ARMY ON ‘WAR ON TERROR’-II                             (773)

  • Taliban Backed by ISI or Not

  • Shift in US Policy

  • Britons vs Americans in WOT

  • WOT Fizzles Out

  • WOT Gimmicks in Pakistan


Scenario 60

PAKISTAN ITSELF ATTACKED BY W O T                              (790)

  • Attacks in Last years of Military Rule

  • Attacks in 1st Year of PPP Regime

  • Attack on Sri Lankan Team

  • Attack on Mosque in Jamrud

  • Attack on Police Academy Lahore

  • Attack on Pak-Army’s GHQ

  • Attacks Every Where in the Row


Scenario 61

PAKISTAN: ISI IN POLITICS – I                                      (821)

  • ISI Since 1948 & After

  • Politicians Spoiled ISI (?)

  • Daniel Pearl’s Killing (2002)

  • Alleging ISI by the British (2006)


Scenario 62

Pakistan: ISI IN POLITICS – II                                         (835)

  • Gen Mahmud’s Role in WOT

  • ISI in BB’s Investigation

  • ISI in ‘Other National’ Affairs

  • Media’s Bluff on ISI in US-Afghan Conflict

  • ISI on Osama’s Killing

  • Gen Hamid Gul’s Opinion

  • Civilian Control over ISI

  • ISI – ‘A State Within State’


Scenario 63 

HATS OFF TO A CJP (Justice Dogar)                           (856)

  • Factors Behind Wrong Judgment

  • Justice Accommodated – Full Details

  • CoE: The Nation Needs You

  • Gen Ziaul Haq’s Gimmicks


Scenario 64

Judiciary Restored in 2009                                          (870)

  • Constitutional Package of May 2008

  • Aspirations of Independent Judiciary

  • Governor Rule in Punjab (2009)

  • Black Coat Revolution

  • PM Gilani Brings Back Sharifs

  • Pakistan’s New Judicial Policy


Scenario 65

PCO JUDGES CASE (2009-11)                                     (889)  

  • Effects of 31st July 2009’s Judgment

  • Uproar Against SC’s Verdict  

  • SC’s Judgment Not Justified?

  • Judges Praying For Justice

  • Keep SC’s Record Straight Please

  • Text of 3rd Nov 2007’s Order

  • Lawyers & Govt Both Reacted


Scenario 66

PAKISTAN’s JUDICIARY IN 2009-10                              (916)

  • CJP Dogar Retired Without Reference

  • Corruption in Pak Judiciary

  • Justice Ramday Re-employed

  • Elevating CJs in High Courts

  • SC Got Dented Its Impartiality

  • Senior Officers Sentenced

  • FaceBook Banned

  • Latif Khosa Sent Home Again

  • Judges Extension Issue & Misc


Scenario 67

KERRY-LUGAR Bill [2009]                                         (942)

  • Pak-Army Got Angry

  • US Senator J Kerry Explained

  • India & Hussain Haqqani Blamed

  • Hussain Haqqani’s Dubious Role

  • KL-Bill; A Political Fiasco

  • J Kerry Visited Pakistan


Scenario 68

SC’s JUDGMENT ON NRO [2009]                                  (960)

  • With Ref to Scenario 49

  • NRO Criticized at Home

  • NRO’s Procedural Wheels

  • Zardari Brewed Maximum Benefits

  • NRO Died Amidst Gimmicks

  • NRO Judgment – PPP’s Uproar

  • Brutus; You Too [Says Zardari]

  • NRO Decision: Factual Upshots

  • SC’s Useless Monitoring Body


Scenario 69

INDEPENDENCE OF PAK-JUDICIARY [2010]                   (987)  

  • President’s Powers Taken Off

  • 18th Constitutional Amendment

  • PM Gilani Went Aggressive

  • 19th Constitutional Amendment

  • Judges Behaviour in Army & Civil Regimes

  • Discrimination for Lady Judges

  • Last Words – Not Personal

Scenario 70

ON NRO’S IMPLEMENTATION                                     (1008)

  • PPP’s Official Stance

  • Adnan Khwaja & Brig Imtiaz Cases

  • Swiss Letter Issue Deepened

  • SC Gone Hard on Its Orders

  • Condi Reveals Facts in 2011


Scenario 71

THE FAKE DEGREES CASE [2010-13]                             (1026)

  • Jamshed Dasti’s Case

  • MNA Abid Sher Ali Got Up

  • World Press Laughed at Pakistan

  • Smaira Malik & Others

  • Two ECP Members Sold Out


Scenario 72

ARMY GENERALS EXTENDED [2010]                             (1049)

  • Was it an American Proposal?

  • Gen Kayani – 3 Years After

  • Another NRO Planned

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