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A record of contemporary history of Pakistan

                                                            - 4615 pages

In TWELVE Volumes:

FOUR Volumes of 'Judges & Generals in Pakistan' &

SEVEN Volumes of  'The Living History of Pakistan' &

ONE Book 'The History of a Disgraceful Surrender [2021]'


Published by:                                                                 

Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd [GHP] 

Link House, 140 The Broadway, Tolworth SURREY UK KT6 7HT

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Classic Title

The Living History of Pakistan Vol-VII




11TH HUMBLE SUBMISSION                               3821

Scenario 201

WHO PLUNDERED THE MOST                              3825      

  • Judges in History’s Mirror

  • Parliament And Judiciary Impotent

  • Nawaz Sharif’s Fiscal Background

  • Making a Joke of Governance


Scenario 202

VOLCANO OF PANAMA LEAKS ERUPTS                    3849

  • Mossack Fonseca of Panama

  • Investigations Done by ICIJ

  • Pakistan Also Figured


Scenario 203

PM NAWAZ SHARIF MATTERED MOST                   3863   

  • N Sharif’s Family Openly Alleged

  • Facts Available on ICIJ files

  • Non-Stop Criticism Sets in Action


Scenario 204

PANAMA LEAKS UN-DRESSED MANY                     3879     

  • World Media Knew Sharifs’ Evils

  • PM’s Family Dragged in Web

  • Across The Board Accountability

  • Terms of Reference [TsOR] Coined


Scenario 205

PUBLIC VOICES FOR PANAMA-LEAKS                    3900

  • FIA’s Investigations Report

  • Pak Media Blasted Sharifs

  • Across The Board Accountability

  • PM NS Speaks in Parliament


Scenario 206

ODD QUESTIONS FOR SHARIFs                           3922           

  • Seven [7] Questions Initially

  • Seven [7] Turned Into Seventy [70]

  • IK Takes Panama Leaks to ECP

Scenario 207

IMRAN KHAN KNOCKS AT SC                              3944         

  • Zardari / PPP Betrayed Again

  • Sharifs Pushed Into Cage

  • PTI’s 2nd Dharna in Islamabad

  • Protest Call Withdrawn by IK


Scenario 208         

PANAMA LEAKS TRIAL IN SC - I                          3968                      

  • Brief Summary of Past Events

  • SC Starts Un-dressing PM’s Gown  

  • Qatari Letter & Gulf Steel etc

  • Panama Trial Gone Serious

Scenario 209         

PANAMA LEAKS TRIAL IN SC - II                         3992          

  • Save Nawaz Sharif Bill Passed

  • Money Trail For London Flats

  • Actual Price of London Flats

  • J Khosa – Quick & Straight

  • J Azmat Saeed Seen on PM Side  

  • J Ejaz Afzal Seen Slanted

  • Nawaz Sharif Lied OR Omitted

Scenario 210         

ON ARTICLES 62-63 & MORE                             4018                  

  • PM Not Answerable to SC [?]

  • Shamim Agri-Farms Named

  • Maryam’s Stance rejected by SC

  • Panama Case on Final Stage


Scenario 211         

PANAMA LEAKS CASE CONCLUDED                     4041          

  • Last Nail in Sharif’s Coffin

  • Chairmen NAB & FBR in Docks

  • Prosecution & Defence Finished

  • SC Verdict of 20th April 2017

  • Comments From Media Houses


Scenario 212         

20TH APRIL VERDICT DISECTED                        4063    

  • 13 Damning Remarks by J Khosa

  • Win-Win Position for All

  • PML[N] Celebrated it as Victory

  • J Khosa’s Historical Axioms                       


Scenario 213         

JIT’s DAY-TO-DAY PROBE - I                            4085         

  • JIT Investigations Started

  • SC Threatened Again by PML[N]

  • PM Sharif on London Apartments

  • Surveillance & Watch by IB


Scenario 214

JIT’s DAY-TO-DAY PROBE - II                             4109         

  • Rehman Malik: ‘CUNNING &…’] (JIT)

  • Sharifs’ Sugar Mills in Fraud Claims

  • PM’s Children Before The JIT

  • Hudaibiya Mills Affairs

  • Victimisation & Hatred & Revenge

  • Maryam Appears Before The JIT


Scenario 215

JIT REPORT PLACED BEFORE THE SC                  4134       

  • SC Bench Received JIT Report

  • PM Sharif Had NO Answer - JIT

  • Daily ‘the News’ Mislead [?]

  • Maryam in Calibri Font Scam

  • Hill Metal [Saudia] Accounts

  • Qatari Prince Didn’t Face JIT


Scenario 216           

GLOBAL CONSPIRACY AGAINST PM [?]                4161          

  • Pak-Army & ISI Blamed by Sharifs

  • JIT Held 15 Cases Against Sharifs

  • High Noise Against Sharifs

  • PML[N]’s Global Conspiracy?


Scenario 217

PANAMA CASE; SC’s LAST HEARING                  4181      

  • Panama’s Last Hearing Starts

  • JIT Report NOT Objected by Any

  • PM’s Dubai Aqama Caught by JIT

  • Volume-10 & Hudaibiya Opened


Scenario 218

PM NAWAZ SHARIF – NOT HONEST:                4197     


  • SC’s Final Decision Announced


Scenario 219

PAN-LEAKS JUDGMENT: ANALYSIS                  4214          

  • Local Media Analysis

  • Foreign Press Hailed Judgment

  • Dubai’s Capital FZE Affairs


Scenario 220

POST 28/7 JUDGMENT AFFAIRS                     4234                 

  • S K Abbasi – New Prime Minister

  • PM Nawaz Sharif’s 3rd Exit

  • Disqualified PM Leads A Nation

  • Ref Against Justice Khosa [Shame]

  • NAB Cases of Sharifs Opened

  • Review Petitions – Nails in Coffin                                      [458]


The Living History of Pakistan Vol-VII



                                      - 4259 pages including this volume in hand.


Judges  & Generals in Pakistan VOL-I

ISBN: 978-1-90859-662-8  [2012] GHP


Judges  & Generals in Pakistan VOL-II

ISBN: 978-1-78148-740-0  [2012] GHP


Judges  & Generals in Pakistan VOL-III

ISBN: 978-1-78148-204-9  [2013] GHP


Judges  & Generals in Pakistan VOL-IV

ISBN: 978-1-78148-673-3  [2013] GHP


The Living History of Pakistan Vol-I

ISBN: 978-1-78623-705-7  [2015] GHP


The Living History of Pakistan Vol-II

ISBN: 978-1-78148-955-0  [2016] GHP


The Living History of Pakistan Vol-III

ISBN: 978-1-78623-825-2  [2017] GHP


The Living History of Pakistan Vol-IV

ISBN: 978-1-78623-827-6  [2017] GHP

The Living History of Pakistan Vol-V

 ISBN: 978-1-78623-937-2  [2017] GHP


The Living History of Pakistan Vol-VI

 ISBN: 978-1-78623-130-7  [2018] GHP


                                                                         ISBN 978-1-78623-141-3

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