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A record of contemporary history of Pakistan

                                                            - 4615 pages

In TWELVE Volumes:

FOUR Volumes of 'Judges & Generals in Pakistan' &

SEVEN Volumes of  'The Living History of Pakistan'

ONE Book 'The History of a Disgraceful Surrender [2021]'


Published by:                                                                 

Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd [GHP] 

Link House, 140 The Broadway, Tolworth SURREY UK KT6 7HT

AVAILABLE in printed & e-versions at AMAZON the world over

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The Living History of Pakistan Vol-II

The FOUR volumes of ‘Judges & Generals in Pakistan’ are not the stories or facts about only the honourable judges or respectable military Generals of Pakistan but also an authentic record of contemporary history.


'The Living History of Pakistan' Vol-I & Vol-II are continuation of the same series with only a change in name of the same product. It is just for the change of taste otherwise the SCENARIOS and the PAGE NUMBERS are in the same continuity.


All the above books deal with Pakistan’s chequered history of massive financial & intellectual corruption, abortive rule by two political parties in succession with higher judiciary’s gimmicks during 1971 onwards; Constitutional Amendments which made political parties as family businesses  & apex court’s nexus making the politicians more corrupt.


ISBN 978-1-78148-955-0

£9.99 / $12.99

The Living History of Pakistan Vol-II


   Underlined SCENARIOS are linked with pdf files.

   Numbers in brackets are referred to page numbers in                                         the respective book


                  C O N T E N T S


BITS & BOBs                                           (1832)

  • Serious Judicial Gimmicks

  • Serious Political Gimmicks

  • Pakistani Leadership

  • Zardari vs Pak-Army

  • Financial Gimmicks


Scenario 112

SC’c JUDGMENT IN RPPs CASE                     (1846)

  • Statistics & Cause of Action

  • Why Rental Power Projects

  • Supreme Court’s Verdict

  • How Corruption Escalated

  • Contracts Without Transparency

  • Self Created Circular Debt

  • Dacoits Fight on Loot Dividends

  • SC Orders For PM’s Arrest

  • The Ultimate Fate


Scenario 113


  • PM Gilani Priced in London

  • Obama’s Agreement with Kabul

  • Pakistan Humiliated More

  • Chicago Conference of 2012

  • Peace Talks Amidst Allegations


Scenario 114         

DRONE ATTACKS DILEMMA-I                 (1888)

  • FATA people Welcome Drones?

  • America’s Conflicting Data

  • Drones Declared Illegal

  • White House Justification

  • Story of A Drone Operator


Scenario 115         

DRONE ATTACKS DILEMMA-II                (1905)

  • Wikileaks Played Again

  • US Drone Mandate Explained

  • US Changed Drone Policy-2013

  • Latifullah Mehsud Captured [?]

  • N Sharif’s Agenda on Drones

  • Hakimullah Mehsud Killed


Scenario 116


  • Deadly Insider Attacks

  • Burning of Qura’an Near Kabul

  • Cost of Iraq & Afghan Wars

  • America’s Zero Option


Scenario 117

THE GREAT US RETREAT                       (1940)

  • Pakistan turned Eyes from US

  • Epic Centre of Terrorism 2012-13

  • Pak-Army’s New Doctrine

  • New Doctrine vs Eastern Borders

  • Civil Internal Factors


Scenario 118

US QUITS PAK-AFGHAN REGION            (1958)

  • America’s Own Disorders Played

  • US & Irani Dollar Bags in WOT

  • Former CIA Officer Speaks

  • US Was Warned to Resist War


Scenario 119         

CONST’L ART’S 62 & 63 VIOLATED         (1975)

  • Dr Qadri Speaks Loud

  • Democracy on Restraint

  • Winners & Losers in 2013 Elections

  • Dictatorship of Elect-ables


Scenario 120


  • Imran Khan’s Jalsa at Lahore-I

  • Imran Khan’s Jalsa at Lahore-II

  • SC’s Contempt Notice to Imran Khan


Scenario 121

PRE ELECTION ECONOMICS                (2011)

  • Loan Defaulters of Pakistan

  • Millionaires Doubled in 2012

  • Tax Returns of Pakistani Legislators


Scenario 122


  • Admiral Bokhari’s Letter to President

  • Contempts & Allegations

  • Commission to Probe The Letter

  • Ch Qamar Zaman Heads NAB

  • NAB’s Annual Report 2013


Scenario 123

GEN MUSHARRAF’s COME BACK          (2046)

  • No Welcome – Utter Distress

  • Gen Mush’f Appears in Court

  • Facts & Analysis of Events

  • Another Case in Abbotabad

  • Judges’ House Arrest Case

  • Gen Musharraf Arrested


Scenario 124


  • Gen Mush’f in Treason Case

  • Gen Mush’s Selective Trial

  • Justice or Personal Vendetta

  • SC Also Abetted Treason

  • Ch Nisar Ali Spilled Beans

  • Gen Mush’f Refused to Leave

  • Gen Mush’f in Biased Pakistani Courts



Scenario 125

GENERAL ELECTIONS 2013-I           (2089)

  • Election Politics In Motion

  • Gimmicks For Overseas Voters

  • PPP Completes 5 Years

  • PPP’s Gimmicks For Elections

  • NRO-2 in Offing

  • Mir Khoso As C-Taker PM

  • A Salute to Justice Jan

  • Gen Kayani Talked Elections


Scenario 126

GENERAL ELECTIONS-II                    (2118)

  • ‘Sour Grapes’ – by Ayaz Amir

  • Supreme Court’s Interference

  • Elections:….Started Moving

  • Elections….Results & Analysis

  • 2013 Elections…..More Study

  • Elections Mostly Well Done

  • Suggestions For Improvement


Scenario 127

CABINET OF PML[N] IN 2013           (2143)

  • Cabinet of PML[N] in 2013

  • IPPs Paid Rs:480 bn Cash

  • Corruption in Swift Payments

  • Issue Raised in Parliament

  • Chairman SECP Fired


Scenario 128

PML[N]’s 3rd STINT OF POWER      (2160)

  • Undocumented Pak-Economy

  • Pak-WOT Economy in 2010-11

  • Street Business Economy

  • Economy Hit by WOT 2013

  • PML[N]’s First Budget 2013-14

  • Economy 100 Days Later

  • National Security Policy 2013

  • Blue Passports Scandal


Scenario 129

JAIL-BREAKS DURING 2012-13     (2180)

  • Hyderabad Jail Break Plan

  • Bannu Jail Break 2012

  • Jail Break Business – As Usual

  • DI Khan Prison Break [2013]

  • A Militant’s Account

  • On Prisons in Pakistan

  • Jail Economy of Pakistan


Scenario 130


  • Pak-Army: Myths & Facts

  • Osama BL: Pak-US Joint Operation

  • ISI Office Sukkur Attacked

  • Pak-Army’s General Killed

  • Gen Kayani Retired

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